Sunday, March 4, 2012

Blowing the dust off.... again.

They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions... well, I don't really believe in hell, except for the one we make for ourselves here on earth.  So, with that in mind, I'm pretty confident that my immortal soul is not in any real danger here.  

I had good intentions of keeping up with this blog on a regular basis, but as they say, life got in the way.  And it probably will again, but that doesn't mean I don't have things to say.  I've got ideas brewing, and I've even jotted a few of them down!

One of my biggest issues (aside from time and procrastination) is memory.  My mind seems to be clearest at the most inconvenient times.  Namely, when I'm driving, showering, or just waking up.  In fact, I have composed some of the most clever blogs, and well-written and thought out letters in my mind in those crystal clear moments just as I'm regaining consciousness first thing in the morning.  Unfortunately, once I fully wake, and my feet hit the floor, life gets in the way.  I have to actually start my day, and all those clever quips, poignant thoughts and reveries quickly disappear.  

I'm working on ways to keep from losing those moments, and will hopefully be able to carve out a few minutes (maybe even 30!) every week or two to commit to keeping up with this blog.  

There are lots of things I want to write about, but I probably never will.  For many reasons: they're private, and I don't want my personal life splashed all over the internet.  Fear of confrontation... there's a reason I never took debate in high school, or went on to law school; I don't like to argue, even when I'm pretty sure I'm right.  Fear of not being "liked"... granted, this particular fear dissipates with each year; as I grow older, I'm less and less concerned over whether or not you "like" me.  Finally, there are some things that I just won't post about, not because I don't care, or because I don't get riled up about them, but I really don't want to have THAT kind of blog.  There are plenty of those out there, and I'd rather this one stay fairly light-hearted, and more about my life and my thoughts on life, rather than stirring up controversy.

In the meantime, while I gather my thoughts (and try to keep them in my head!) and decide what to write about next, I'm going to go take care of some business around here.  Happy Sunday!  

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