Monday, July 2, 2012

Mid-Year Resolution

I don't make New Year's resolutions.  I feel like they set me up for failure, and that's not the way to start off a new year, is it?

But there are things I want to accomplish by the end of 2012, and since they say it helps to put them in writing, here goes: my MID-year resolutions (in no particular order).

1.  Be Positive.  There is so much negativity in the world right now, and sometimes it feels downright hopeless.  In the long run though, I can't do anything about anyone else but me, so for my own piece of mind, I will be positive.  I will look for the bright side of things, and remember that it could always be worse.

2.  Get Organized.  Yeah, I know, you've heard that one before.  But I'm doing it.  Slowly but surely, it's happening.  If it wasn't for the fact that I would be mortified to show anyone what it looks like right now, there would be before and after photos, but that's not gonna happen.  Probably.  That is to say, yes, I do have some before photos, but that doesn't mean I'm going to post them.  Doesn't mean I won't change my mind once it's all done and looking fabulous either, but for now, NOPE.

3.  Get Healthier.  I'm fortunate.  I'm pretty healthy, despite all the things I have done, and still do to sabotage myself.  My cholesterol is good, my triglycerides are fine, and except for the ongoing weight (lifestyle + thyroid) I'm doing ok.  I can do better.  A lot better.

4.  Prioritize.  This one is a challenge for me.  I tend to suffer from what I like to call "butterfly chaser syndrome".  Which simply means, I'm easily distracted.  When I clean, I'll pick up something that needs to go to the bedroom, and rather than return to the task at hand, I'll see something that needs doing in there, and start that, which leads to another room, then another... you get the idea.  Which leaves a whole house full of partially done chores.  Then the holes get filled, and I get overwhelmed and choose to ignore it until I just can't any more.

5.  Be Present.  Also a challenge for someone who has spent much of life either looking forward or back.  No more "what-ifs".  The past is the past; it cannot be changed.  The future hasn't happened yet, and ultimately depends on what you do in the PRESENT.  I look around, and I can hardly believe that my children are so grown now.  It's hard to grasp that it's July already!  Where did the last six months go??  Before I know it, these kids will be in high school, and I want to make sure we have a great relationship by the time they are.  And that means being present now.

So, there you have it.  Naturally, this isn't a complete list, but those are my top five.  I'm also not resolving to keep up with this blog any more, because it feels trite.  I like knowing it's here.  I don't know if anyone reads it except me, but hey, if not that's ok.  It's something I want to keep up with, and maybe that goes hand in hand with number four up there... making it a priority.  We shall see.

“Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” ~ Steve Jobs