Friday, July 29, 2011

Friday Funnies

One thing I'll say for sure about having kids: they are an endless source of entertainment!  Even when they have pushed my patience to the limit, they can always make me laugh.

My little Sarah is a dancer.  And by that, I mean she loves to move to music... any kind of music.  She has a particular fondness for Salsa, and will bust a move just about anywhere, even in the middle of a Mexican restaurant!

Charlie likes logic.  He likes to know how things work, and he likes to try to figure it out for himself.  He also, likes to dance.

Recently, I decided to try to keep a running log of the amusing things that I've heard around my house... the things that my children uttered that were funny or clever.  Anything really, that made me smile.  Here is a sampling of what I have so far:

Backstory: As a reward for behaving at Target with Daddy, Charlie came home with a package of Gogo's (little bitty plastic strange-looking toys)... he promptly lost his favorite one, the grey one which he had nicknamed, The Dude.
Setting: Me and Sarah up in the bonus room, while Charlie is at school.  Sarah is supposed to be cleaning up toys.  All of a sudden she yells out, "Mom! I found The Dude!  Charlie's gonna be so surprised!"

Another day, Sarah has been complaining of a scratchy throat.  So she comes up to me and says, "Mom, could you get me a little something for my froat?"  To which I reply, "A little something like what?"  She pauses, and thinks about it for a few seconds, then comes back with, "um, like... how about... a SUCKER??"  Can't blame the kid for trying...

Setting: the wedding reception of two dear friends.  Charlie has been dancing up a storm all night, the life of the party!  He comes up to me and says, "Hey, Mom... did you see myself dancing?"

PhotobucketSetting: at home, on laundry day (meaning, I'm wearing clothes I would normally be wearing only to work out in).  Charlie looks at me and asks, "Mom, did you get those shorts at Belk?"  And I say, "No, why?"  "Cause they're the same color!"

PhotobucketEarly in July, we took a family vacation to Florida, the highlight of which was going out to the Kennedy Space Center to watch the last launch of the shuttle Atlantis... the last launch of any shuttle ever, in fact.  The weather was threatening all morning, but finally, the skies cleared and Mother Nature smiled on us, and the launch went off without a hitch.  Shortly afterwards, it began to rain.  It was a long day, and by the time we boarded the bus back to our hotel, we were all running on nothing more than adrenaline.  We were hot, tired, hungry and thirsty.  Sarah had been whining at me about how thirsty she was, and after I gave her the last of my bottle of water, she turned to me and said, "Hey, you know what?  You know what's outside that I can drink?  Fresh water from the SKY!"  I laughed and asked her, "are you cute?"  She looked at me dead in the eyes, and in the most serious voice replied, "No, I'm RIGHT!"

A couple of days later, as we're driving around Kissimmee, Charlie observes that there are signs for Disney everywhere. He heaves a dramatic *sigh* and wishes aloud that he could go to Disney one day.  I explained to him that a trip to Disney was very expensive, and we would have to save for a while before we could do a trip like that. He says, "How much does it cost to go to Disney?"  And I reply, "For the four of us to go for a week?  About six thousand dollars."  [based on my most recent "wishful thinking" online trip planner, staying on Disney property, park-hopper passes, dining plan, etc.]  Nonchalantly, he says, "Well, you could just go on Jeopardy or Wheel of Fortune and then you'd have six thousand dollars!"

If only it were that easy, my son... 

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