Friday, May 9, 2014

Why, yes... I am judging you.

Remember that post, slamming the person who just judged you? Guess what? It was judgemental, and you're judging that person for judging you.

Guess what else??

This post is judgmental too, because I'm judging you. I'm not slamming you, but I'm judging you.


Because I'm human. Humans judge. We make snap judgements about everyone, every day, all the time. It's a survival mechanism. It's built into our DNA. We ALL do it. What really matters in the long run is... what you do or say AFTER you've made the judgement.

Did you sit quietly, cursing under your breath, thinking how you'd do it better than the person you're judging?

Did you casually mention that you don't agree with whatever they're doing? Did you shoot them a scowl of disapproval or disdain, letting them know you were judging them?


Did you observe, judge, then think, hey... what if this life I'm judging were mine? How would it look if you were in their shoes? Did you continue to watch, then see something that made you re-think your initial judgement?

Did your initial judgement, subsequent observation and re-evaluation of the situation give you pause and cause you to change the way you do things in your own life?

Did your process, in the end, make you more compassionate, more understanding, and ultimately LESS judgemental of the other person?



Me too.