Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A small step for some, A giant leap for ME!

Apologies to Neil Armstrong for borrowing his famous phrase and personalizing it, but it's true nonetheless.

I've taken a HUGE step into a brave new world!  Yesterday, I signed on as an Independent Consultant for Scentsy!  I'm really excited about it, and a little nervous too.  I've never done anything like this in my life.  In fact, I've often shied away from social situations where I didn't know anyone because, well, I'm shy.  Going all the way back to high school, I've struggled with speaking in front of a group.  I'm awkward in conversations with strangers, because I often can't come up with anything particularly witty or smart-sounding to say.

So to say that this new venture is a big step for me is a bit of an understatement!  Nevertheless, I'm looking forward to it.  Looking forward to getting out of my rut, looking forward to meeting new people, and excited at the prospect of earning a little extra money in the process!

Luckily, I have a great group of friends who have already shown me a ton of support, just by hitting LIKE on my Facebook page!  And if you want to LIKE it too, just click over on the left of this page.

No one ever said change was easy, and stepping out of one's comfort zone is definitely a challenge!  I'm looking forward to this particular challenge though, because I really feel this is the right fit for me.  I have several friends who are also Scentsy consultants, so I hesitated about joining simply because I didn't want to step on their toes.  But here's what I discovered in just 24 short hours... they were among the first of my friends to chime in with their support and words of encouragement, and for that, I'm ever so grateful.  And I have to give a special shout out to Kerrie Gabriel, my sponsor, who has just been super awesome!  She's right there, answering my questions, and her excitement is genuinely contagious!!

Now, off I go... so much to do!!  And stay tuned tomorrow... I'll be reveling in the joy of indulging one of my favorite obsessions!